Coverclad Services were instructed to carry out industrial roofing repairs in Banbury to a commercial unit. The gutters were severely rusted and corroded, the plastisol coating on the roof sheets was in very poor condition and the external rooflights were fibrous and in need of replacing.
Our main tasks included the following:
- Wash down the industrial roof and wall cladding to the entire perimeter, using jet wash and manual brush works where needed.
- Remove the external skin rooflights and replace with new to match existing.
- Prepare and treat the perimeter gutter lengths and hip valley gutters with Giromax HPG. Due to the poor state of the perimeter gutters, a decision was made to change the specification from Giromax to a Plygene Gutter Liner in those areas, and to install gutter support sleeves where needed.
- Prepare and treat the existing flat plate overclad system (cut edges and entire plates) with Giromax.
- Prepare and treat areas of spotted roof sheet delamination as well as cut edge corrosion to the eaves, mid-laps and rooflight tops with Giromax.
- Install foam fillers to the hips and ridges where needed and replace all roof fixings (main fixings and stitchers), plus works to several flu penetrations (hot flus, service ducts, soil stacks, dektights, soaker flashings).
Photos from the industrial roofing repairs in Banbury are below. If you require industrial roofing and cladding services then please contact us on 01384 573088. Alternatively you can send us a message or telephone us on 07976 726770 if you are in need of an emergency callout.

Before view of the commercial unit before works began, with triple hand rail edge protection scaffolding erected.

One of our Coverclad operatives washing down the wall cladding to the rear elevation.

Our first task on the roof was to jet wash away all the loose debris, peeling plastisol and general grime that had formed over the years.

Industrial roof cleaning in Banbury complete ready for rooflights replacement.
Internal view of the industrial unit looking up at the roof, with internal safety netting installed.
Close-up example of the many newly installed external rooflights with poppy red fixings in place. Cut edge corrosion to the tops of the rooflights yet to be treated.
Close-up view of the rusted roof fixings and cut edge corrosion to the eaves, plus the heavily corroded gutters (one of our Coverclad Services vans parked in the background).
Close-up showing the debris and loose plastisol that had fallen into the gutters over time. Rust had also formed to the upstands because some of the outlets were partially blocked. With it being such a large catchment area, at times of heavy rainfall the gutter was filling up like a bath.
Galvanised steel gutter support sleeves inserted into the most heavily corroded sections of gutter to strengthen them. Cut edge corrosion to the eaves and hip valley gutter sheet edges prepared and treated with Giromax.
Progress view across the roof with our Coverclad approved Plygene installers inserting the Plygene Gutter Liner into the perimeter on the right-hand side.
Perimeter view with the Plygene Gutter Liner installed and final Giromax topcoat applied to the roof sheet eaves.
Close-up showing one of the Plygene outlets installed together with leaf guard. The top left of the photo shows the entrance from a hip valley gutter prepared and treated with Giromax HPG.
Before view of the hip valley gutter with cut edge corrosion to the roof sheet edges, as a comparison for the next photo.
Completed view of the hip valley gutter prepared and treated with Giromax HPG, as well as roof sheet edges prepared and treated with Giromax to finish.
Close-up example showing one of the many areas of spotted roof sheet delamination. The plastisol coating to the roof was in very poor condition, peeling in several areas.
Close-up ridge view with missing foam fillers, highlighted by inserting the entire hand underneath.
Two of our Coverclad Services industrial roofers carrying out isolated patch repairs. Each spotted roof sheet delamination is rubbed down and then treated with Giromax basecoat and topcoat.
View across the slope showing some of the many isolated patch repairs during the industrial roofing repairs in Banbury. External rooflight also completed in the foreground, with poppy red fixings in place and previously corroded top edges prepared and treated with Giromax.
Before view of the existing flat plate overclad system area. Instead of removing and replacing with roof sheets, we were instructed to remove all peeling plastisol from the flat plate sheets (taking back to bare metal where needed) and to then prepare and treat with Giromax.
Progress view of the flat plate overclad system area, with cut edges and entire plates prepared and treated with Giromax basecoat.
Progress view of the flat plate overclad area with Giromax basecoat applied, including to the hip valley gutter running down the centre.
Progress view along the roof showing the new Plygene Gutter Liner installed to the perimeter gutter and our Coverclad industrial roofers working on the flat plate overclad in the background.
Before view showing an area of flu penetrations in need of repairs, as a comparison for the next photo.
Completed view of the same flu penetrations area showing three of the flus with associated soaker flashings prepared and treated with Giromax, and the rear redundant top flu removed and replaced with a soaker flashing.
Completed view of one end of the industrial roof showing numerous external rooflight replacements, plus spotted roof sheet delamination and cut edge corrosion treated with Giromax.
Completed view of the industrial roofing repairs in Banbury, with rooflights replaced along the slope, soaker flashings in position, patch repairs and cut edge corrosion treated with Giromax, Plygene Gutter Liner installed to the perimeter and finished flat plate overclad system in the background.