Coverclad Services were tasked to replace wall cladding sheets in Birmingham, directly on behalf of a label printing company. Over time the 25 metre long rear elevation of the unit had sustained impact damage from vehicles belonging to a neighbouring unit, and with the current lease about to expire, repairs were needed to the outer-skin of the rear elevation wall cladding as part of the dilapidation works.

Our job description was to strip off the rear elevation low-level external wall cladding sheets and replace with new 0.7mm single skin plastisol coated metal profile sheets. The existing upper-level cladding was undamaged so did not need replacing. Associated flashings and isolated cladding repairs to other areas of the unit were also carried out where necessary, and careful consideration was given to neighbouring businesses with barriers being implemented to cordon off our working areas.

Photos are below. If you require industrial wall cladding repairs in Birmingham please telephone 01384 573088. If you are in need of an emergency callout then please call 07976 726770. Alternatively you can send us a message.

25 metre long rear elevation with low-level impact damage

Before view of the 25 metre long rear elevation with low-level impact damage to numerous areas of the wall cladding sheets.

Vehicle impacts had caused the base sill to come away

The vehicle impacts had caused the base sill to come away at certain points. New associated base flashings were fitted along the entire rear elevation as part of the Birmingham wall cladding repairs.

Isolated dents to wall cladding in Birmingham

An example of various other isolated dents to the unit wall cladding to be repaired as part of the dilapidation works.

Wall cladding sheets removed exposing underlying insulation

Rear elevation wall cladding sheets removed, exposing the underlying built-up system insulation. Further low-level impact damage just past the corner to the side elevation.

Wall cladding sheets recycled and reinstated

Where possible some of the rear elevation wall cladding sheets were recycled and reinstated as part of the various other isolated repairs around the unit. An example of which shown here in repairing the low-level impact damage just past the corner to the side elevation.

Newly installed single skin plastisol coated metal profile sheets

Work in progress along the 25 metre rear elevation of the wall cladding repairs in Birmingham, fitting the new 0.7mm single skin plastisol coated metal profile sheets over the built-up insulation.

Slight colour difference between new lower-level sheets and old upper-level sheets

Completed view of the new outer-skin wall cladding sheets. There was a slight colour difference between the newly installed lower-level sheets and the older upper-level sheets that were covered in years of dirt and grime. When fitting new sheets alongside older sheets, at Coverclad Services we can offer cleaning services to improve the look of the older sheets.

Completed replacement of wall cladding sheets in Birmingham

Completed replacement of wall cladding sheets in Birmingham. The undamaged existing upper-level sheets had uncommon profiles (corrugations) and an exact match could not be obtained for the newer low-level sheets. So after informing the client, we created a visual separator by fitting a metal sill along the break line. With the sill in place, the slight difference in corrugations was only noticeable if standing up close with a trained eye.